class Zip64::Reader::Entry


A entry inside a Zip64::Reader.

Use the #io method to read from it.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Zip64::FileInfo

comment comment, comment=(comment) comment=, compressed_size compressed_size, compressed_size=(compressed_size) compressed_size=, compression_method compression_method, compression_method=(compression_method) compression_method=, crc32 crc32, crc32=(crc32) crc32=, dir? : Bool dir?, extra extra, extra=(extra) extra=, file? : Bool file?, filename filename, filename=(filename) filename=, general_purpose_bit_flag general_purpose_bit_flag, general_purpose_bit_flag=(general_purpose_bit_flag) general_purpose_bit_flag=, offset offset, offset=(offset) offset=, time : Time time, time=(time : Time) time=, uncompressed_size uncompressed_size, uncompressed_size=(uncompressed_size) uncompressed_size=, version : UInt16 version, version=(version : UInt16) version=

Constructor methods inherited from module Zip64::FileInfo

new(filename : String, time = Time.utc, comment = "", extra = Bytes.empty) new

Instance Method Detail

def io : IO #

Returns an IO to the entry's data.

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