module Clear::SQL::Query::Aggregate

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def agg(field, x : X.class) forall X #

Call an custom aggregation function, like MEDIAN or other:

query.agg("MEDIAN(age)", Int64)

Note than COUNT, MIN, MAX, SUM and AVG are already conveniently mapped.

This return only one row, and should not be used with group_by (prefer pluck or fetch)

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def avg(field, x : X.class) forall X #

SQL aggregation function "AVG":

query.avg("field", Int64)

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def count(type : X.class = Int64) forall X #

Use SQL COUNT over your query, and return this number as a Int64

as count return always a scalar, the usage of COUNT(*) OVER GROUP BY can be done by using pluck or select

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def max(field, x : X.class) forall X #

SQL aggregation function "MAX":

query.max("field", Int64)

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def min(field, x : X.class) forall X #

SQL aggregation function "MIN":

query.min("field", Int64)

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def sum(field) : Float64 #

SUM through a field and return a Float64 Note: This function is not safe injection-wise, so beware !.

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