module Clear::SQL::Query::Having

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def clear_havings #

Clear all the having clauses and return self

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def having(node : Clear::Expression::Node) #

Build SQL #having condition using a Clear::Expression::Node

query.having("id", ['1', '2', '3', '4']))
# Note: in this example, InArray node use unsafe strings

If useful for moving a having clause from a request to another one:

query1.having { a == b } # having a = b
query2.having(query1.havings[0]) # HAVING a = b

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def having(&) #

Build SQL #having condition using the Expression engine.

query.having { id == 1 }

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def having(conditions : NamedTuple | Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any)) #

Build SQL #having condition using a NamedTuple. this will use:

  • the = operator if compared with a literal
query.having({keyword: "hello"}) # having keyword = 'hello'
  • the IN operator if compared with an array:
query.having({x: [1, 2]}) # having x in (1, 2)
  • the >= and <= | < if compared with a range:
query.having({x: (1..4)})  # having x >= 1 AND x <= 4
query.having({x: (1...4)}) # having x >= 1 AND x < 4
  • You also can put another select query as argument:
query.having({x: another_select}) # having x IN (SELECT ... )

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def having(template : String, *args) #

Build SQL #having condition using a template string and interpolating ? characters with parameters given in a tuple or array.

having("x = ? OR y = ?", 1, "l'eau") # having x = 1 OR y = 'l''eau'

Raise error if there's not enough parameters to cover all the ? placeholders

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def having(template : String, **tuple) #

Build SQL #having interpolating :keyword with the NamedTuple passed in argument.

having("id = :id OR date >= :start", id: 1, start:
# having id = 1 AND date >= '201x-xx-xx ...'

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def having(**tuple) #

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def or_having(node : Clear::Expression::Node) #

Build SQL #or_having condition using a Clear::Expression::Node

query.or_having("id", ['1', '2', '3', '4']))
# Note: in this example, InArray node use unsafe strings

If useful for moving a having clause from a request to another one:

query1.or_having { a == b } # having a = b
query2.or_having(query1.havings[0]) # having a = b

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def or_having(template : String, *args) #

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def or_having(template : String, **named_tuple) #

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def or_having(&) #

Build SQL #having condition using the Expression engine.

query.or_having { id == 1 }

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